
Empty States

Hello Fellow Travelers,
There are still empty states which no one has claimed. So, if you would like to add more states the five you have already chosen, you may pick two more! Yep, Priscilla and Amy said you can now pick 7 states to travel in! But pick them quickly! This is a first-come, first-travel with them deal. To find out which states are still open either for two people or for one, visit the About the Trip page on the side.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 16 & 17 - Texas

Days 16 & 17
October 31
San Antonio, Texas
Howdy Miss Smith!
I believe that is the proper Texas greeting. You know the old saying, when in Texas speak as the Texans do, or nearly that. I am trying to follow that sage advise, but so far have not gotten much beyond the “howdy” and “yep” of it. Now Amy, Joseph and Levi on the other hand sound much like native Texans when they wish to. I imagine that no sooner will I begin to catch the drift of this lingo when off we shall be to another state with a lingo all their own. I have thought, Miss Smith, of starting yet another notebook. This one would be for language. I can speak French, German, Italian and Russian with a smattering of other languages, yet this cowboy talk is confusing. I try to speak it and end up with a French or Italian accent at which everyone laughs.
Main House
We are in San Antonio now and will be heading to the Alamo shortly, so I had best write this letter quickly.
After leaving the Pacific War Museum, we drove to the Dixie Dude Ranch, after stopping by your cousin’s friend’s house to leave the dogs, and, finding the drive shorter than we had thought, we arrived late afternoon. No pets are allowed at the ranch so it was very kind of the Kippentins to keep Timber and Penelope for us. The ranch itself is beautiful! This is a real working ranch, Miss Smith, not just one that plays cowboys. They have longhorn cows, Spanish goats and pigs.
Side Saddle - Our Cabin

We stayed in a cabin that was rustic yet oh so comfortable. The boys had one room and Amy and I shared the other. There was a pool and a hot tub, not that any of us wanted to go swimming in such cool weather. Had we the desire we could have gone fishing, tossed horseshoes and done many other activities. We could have two trail rides a day!

The meals were all home-cooked and so delicious! After eating our own cooked meals for a few days, that was pure delight. With Amy not being able to use her hand much, most of the cooking has fallen upon the boys and myself, except for that one night when Amy directed. Everyone ate in one large dining room and it felt like one large family with cowhands, the hosts and guests all around. We were able to enjoy some time outside late under the stars around the campfire singing songs.

Retiring that night to our cabin, we all went straight to bed and slept soundly. Breakfast was again served in the dining room and what a breakfast it was! Amy and I watched the boys eat and wondered where they put it all. I never have been one for large breakfasts you will remember. Amy remarked that she had always thought the breakfasts they have at her house were large. Now they appear child sized.

The morning was full. We all went for a trail ride; Amy, having been given a very gentle horse because of her wrist, was delighted to be a part of it. I wore my cowboy hat which I had purchased before we visited the ranch in Oklahoma. I am still looking for something to add to my Fifty-States hat, as Amy terms it. Levi suggested a horseshoe, but that would not fit on my hat very well, besides being slightly too heavy. I cannot describe the ride to you, Miss Smith. How does one tell about a trail ride through the seemingly vast wilderness, up hills and down in valleys, crossing small streams and spreading pastures? It would be a waste of paper to attempt it.
One of the Ranch Hands

After our return, one of the cowboys was showing how to do some tricks with a lasso and ended up giving us some lessons in rope throwing. I must admit that of us all, Joseph was the best at it. After I finally was able to get my rope to stay open when I threw it, I managed to rope Levi when I was trying to rope the fence. How they all laughed. I appear to cause much laughter though I assure you I am not doing it intentionally.

After a hearty lunch for which we were all ready (I realized then why they serve such large meals), we took another trail ride. Then we visited the goats and the cows. We had our picture taken with a longhorn cow though I’m not sure why we wanted it done.
Our Friendly Photo Cow -Yes, it's real!

Around the supper table that night we listened to tales of life on a ranch, of rodeos and narrow escapes by the cowboys. It all sounded so much like a western movie that I half expected the lights to go out and the credits to come rolling on the screen or to have someone call my name and find out it was only a western book I had been reading.
I intended to write you last night after we reached our cabin, but within five minutes of arriving, both boys were snoring; yes, Miss Smith, they both snore, and in another minute Amy was sound asleep, though thankfully not snoring, and I could scarcely keep my eyes open long enough to find my bed and turn out the light.
This morning was busy. We managed to fit in one more trail ride before we had to leave. The Conolys were such friendly folks, and I do believe we all hated to leave them. I would like to come stay sometime when I could stay three nights because then one of those nights I could spend out under the stars, having eaten supper around a campfire far from any electric lights. Ah, Miss Smith, shall we come here some time after this trip is over and enjoy a few days? Oh, but what about the dogs? Perhaps Amy could take care of them, or Bekah.
Speaking of dogs, they were so excited to see us once more when we picked them up. I thought Penelope would turn herself inside-out in her excitement. Of course Amy was thrilled to see Timber.
Well, all are at last ready to head over to the Alamo. Farewell, Miss Smith. I do hope things at home are running smoothly.
Much love,
~ Priscilla

1 comment:

P.I.C.'s by Breanna said...

Wow! That ranch sounds like lots of fun!!! :D Wish I could of seen the roping of Levi! ;) Looking forward to hearing about the Alamo!! :-)