Miss Priscilla De Silvosa |
Hello all!
My name as you already know is Priscilla De Silvosa. Let me tell you just a bit about myself. I am over 20 and under 100 years old. I live in a two-century-old, three story mansion which has 39 rooms and 18 closets. My secretary, Miss Smith lives there as well. Besides her and my fabulous cook in the kitchen, I live alone with my 13 dogs, 2 cats, one rabbit and a host of birds and butterflies in the gardens. Yes, I do have a garden. The largest, loveliest spot inside the city limits. Surrounding the grounds is a black, rod-iron fence which serves a double purpose of keeping out unwanted visitors (such as nosy reporters) and adding elegance and a sense of history as well as mystery to the old, historic house. Inside my house you will find five, or is it six now? I don't remember nor do I care to go down three flights of stairs to find out. But there are five or six rooms lined with bookshelves from floor to ceiling and full of books of every type, size, shape and color. I do like books.
As for myself, I am never seen outside of my home without a hat, pearl necklace and glasses. I suppose you might call it a trade mark. but I assure you I am not as eccentric as my secretary! Why, she saves every scrap of paper I write and either files them or puts them in a scrap book. I can't even write a shopping list now for fear it will end up in a scrapbook. But, in spite of Miss Smith's eccentric ways, I still write. I write as a job. I write discoveries I have made and I write for the pure love of putting words on a blank screen or paper. My hobby is writing, though I do love to read as well.
I am eagerly looking forward to our trip together! Just imagine all the things I'll be able to write about! Perhaps there will be another mystery for me to solve! (Not long ago I, with help from my faithful dog, Piccadilly, tracked down a dangerous Marshmallow Thief.) Are you as excited to go as I am?
Hi All!
Life has been so busy these days, what with getting ready for the trip and all. You can't imagine how much there is to bed done around here before I feel at peace about leaving for a long trip! Up until now it has been hard for me to find time to sit down and tell anything at all about myself, even the most trifling bit of information . I've found the time at last, however, and will try to keep it short and sweet so as not to bore you, if I haven't lost your attention already!
Anyway, my name is Amy Renee Lassiter; I live with my parents and 3 of my 5 brothers on a little farm in southwest Missouri. In our small community I have never been known for being prim and proper as some girls tend to be. I suppose that's not to be expected growing up in the middle of five brothers and all of their friends. We have a few animals: two cows, a number of chickens, three horses, two goats, cats (which I have yet to count as they are so busy roaming about that it's extremely difficult to get any idea how many we might have), and last but not least by any means we have several dogs.
The main work on the farm though, comes from our blueberry and apple orchards and numerous gardens, not the animals. We sell the produce at Farmer's Markets around this area of the country, which job is generally handed over to my next older brother, Collin, and me. Our two oldest brothers, Connor and Christopher are married, leaving all the work to the four of us remaining at home and our parents but they've trained us well, let me assure you! What older brother could help teaching his trusting, younger siblings to do all of his work?
It is rare for me to go anywhere without my dog Timber. I long to take him along with me but I'm not sure how Priscilla or her adorable little lapdog would like having a huge German shepherd (Mom calls him a "horse") around, so I suppose he shall simply have to stay here on the farm.
On the side, when farm work is finished, I write stories and articles, do some custom sewing, and play Irish fiddle. Classical violin is all very well and beautiful but has never been my style, really, so when I took up the instrument I went for the more fun Irish style. :)
I have traveled before though not extensively so when Priscilla asked me to accompany her I was thrilled! So I shall turn my work over to my three very capable brothers, pack my bags and set out on what promises to be one of the grandest adventures of my life!
These are the two dogs which will go with us. I (PDS) think it would be a wonderful idea to take Timber along. That means I can leave my other dogs at home to keep my secretary company. Timber will guard the RV while we are away from it and Penelope will guard our bicycles if we ride some place.
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Timber |
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Penelope |
aww, Penelope is adorable!!
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